S.E.T. Stage 2 English - 10 Paper Bundle #1
Bundle 1
10 Papers covering Analyse, Review and Comment; and Inform, Explain and Advise
All the Sutton S.E.T. schools: Nonsuch, Wallington County, Wallington Girls, Sutton Grammar and Wilson’s school, are observing a new format for their Stage 2 English exam as of 2023.
Due to the extensive comprehension in Stage 1, there is no longer any comprehension in the Stage 2 English exams. Instead, the entire paper is built upon National Curriculum Writing Triplets.
The exam will include one piece of continuous writing set on any of four core writing triplets:
- Analyse, Review and Comment
- Inform, Explain and Describe
- Argue, Persuade and Advise
- Explore, Imagine and Entertain
It is essential that your child understands both how to identify which piece of writing is required, and how to structure an answer according to National Curriculum guidelines.
- Our mock sets are clearly labelled:
- 5 sets focus on Analyse, Review and Comment; and Inform, Explain and Advise
- 5 sets focus on Argue, Persuade and Advise; and Explore, Imagine and Entertain
- Each of our mock sets contain:
- An introductory guide to Writing Triplets
- A specific guide to the Writing Triplets in your paper, how to structure your answers and how to build an answer that succeeds and scores points!
- TWO exam papers in every set, one covering each of the areas in that set.
Our papers are the only mock papers written specifically around Writing Triplets with a guide to each question type. The content is brand new to 2023.