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Surrey Essentials - Superpack - all 5 Test Packs in one

Surrey Essentials - Superpack - all 5 Test Packs in one


Our Surrey Essentials Superpack includes all 5 Essential Test Packs, 25 mock papers, in one discounted bundle.




Over 80% of the entrance papers for Independent Schools in Surrey, test English Comprehension, Extended Writing, Maths & Problem Solving, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Focus your efforts on the subjects that matter, with our Surrey Essential Test Packs.


Each Pack contains 5 papers, one for each subject.


  • English Comprehension papers include the selected text and a 20 minute / 25 point open answer paper.
  • Extended Writing papers include a writing task to choose from both Fiction & Creative Writing, or Non-fiction, Discursive and Letter Writing. The paper lasts 35 minutes and carries 35 points. Every Extended Writing paper includes our Marking Guide, specially designed exclusively for Pass the Paper by an Independent School Examiner.
  • Maths & Problem Solving papers are open answer, full mocks papers lasting 40 minutes and carrying 80 points. Topics covered include Addition, subtraction and multiplication, Fraction and ratios, Percentages and decimals, Algebra, Measurement and units, Data and coordinates, Word based problems, and Monetary.
  • Verbal Reasoning papers are full 20 minute mock papers, carrying 20 points. Subjects covered include Code breaking, Alphabet sequencing, Word patterns, Mirrored Meaning, and Match the Letter.
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning papers are full 30 minute mock papers carrying 20 points. Topics covered include Complete the Series, Similarities, Odd one out, Matrices, Hidden shapes and Cube to net.
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