North London Grammar

In their own words
As it is an honour for any school to be responsible for educating a young person, North London Grammar and Prep School are dedicated to providing a safe, caring and aspirational environment for each child to promote their academic and personal development in a rich, nurturing and protected climate.
Parents choose our School because we select our students to promote positive behaviour for the pursuit of excellence in every child. As a result, our students feel very secure, and we always support them in their academic development. This encourages their personal motivation and self-confidence to become the best they can be. North London Grammar is a very happy and successful school where all pupils and staff are valued, respected, and cherished to create a positive culture where the learning and teaching experience is inspiring, creative, supportive, and very rewarding.
The high expectations of all staff and governors, close monitoring of individual student’s progress, and the wholehearted support from parents, all play a key role in our successful school. We are extremely proud of our School and warmly invite you to share our experience by becoming part of our community.
Entrance is assessed via CAT4 cognitive assessment, from GL.
CAT4 is one of, if not the most unique school assessment in circulation. Most children will not have encountered either the CAT4 question types or the format, previously. The good news is that the very specific nature of the exam, means that with effort and perseverance it is possible to achieve confident preparation for your CAT4 entrance exam.
CAT4 is broken into 4 broad categories:
Quantitative Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning
Non-Verbal Reasoning
Spatial Reasoning
We have partnered with the test experts at Ready Steady Pass, to bring you the most accurate and best value CAT4 practise material for children between 6 and 13 years of age. The tests are prepared by specialist CAT4 writers and audited by AQA and EdExcel exam markers, and ISI independent school inspectors. Tests are taken online, include unlimited resits and emailed results including answer sheets to share with tutors and parents.
Click below to access our CAT4 page for more information
What questions can I expect?
Each of the 4 questions categories in CAT4 (which GL call "batteries") has two different question types, creating 8 mini exams.
Quantitative Reasoning assess numerical questions, with a focus on patterns and relationships:
Number Series questions involve identifying the missing number in a sequence.
Number Analogies questions are to do with spotting the relationships between pairs of numbers.
Verbal Reasoning asses the relationship between words:
The Verbal Classification battery focuses on word classes and word types.
Verbal Analogies questions identify the relationship between pairs of words.
Non-Verbal Reasoning looks at the relationship between shapes:
Figure Classification asks you to spot the relationship between a series of images and select the image that matches them.
Figure Matrices shows a pattern of shapes presented in a square, challenging us to choose the missing shape.
Spatial Reasoning is a particular kind of non-verbal reasoning:
Figure Recognition questions challenge us to find a hidden shape within an image.
Figure Analysis questions, sometimes called Folding questions, present the challenges of recognising unfolded paper that has been hole punched at a certain fold.