Ardingly College

In their own words
As a pupil, parent, prospective parent or in a professional capacity, you will already know something about us, if only from the outside.
But it is, of course, the inside that counts. Most importantly, it is the intangible qualities of a school that matter most: its spirit, its culture and the collective beliefs of the people who form it.
We are an ambitious school and are proud of the achievements of our pupils. While we celebrate their impressive academic success, we are also determined to equip our students with the critical thinking, employability and other essential skills that they will need to succeed in a fast-changing world. An Ardingly ‘World Ready’ education requires them to look beyond the school gates and positively engage with the world around them.
With around 850 pupils in the Senior School, we believe Ardingly is the perfect size. We are large enough to offer a huge breadth of opportunities, so we hope everyone can find their passion, but small enough that every student will be individually supported to reach their full potential. Our outstanding pastoral care and deliberately small pastoral groups are the bedrock that underpins our students’ success, both inside and outside the classroom.
Finally, confidence. That intangible quality that is essential for personal fulfilment. At Ardingly we seek to instil that crucial self-belief, but tempered by a self-awareness of how others view you and the ability to self-regulate your own behaviour. We aim to send out young people who are confident, but not arrogant, and who are equipped with the skills and mindset to be ready to thrive in the modern world.But don’t take my word for it; please do come and visit us and see our wonderful school for yourself.
Ben Figgis, MA (Cantab), MEd, PGCE Head of College
The admissions process uses the online ISEB Common Pre Test (sometimes referred to as the Common Entrance Exam). This exam has a specific format and structure, includes a range of predictable questions types and is taken in an online/computer environment. Students should pay particular attention to the Non-Verbal and Verbal-Reasoning modules, as these sections may include question types they have never encountered before.
We have partnered with the test experts at Ready Steady Pass, to bring you the most accurate and best value ISEB practise material. These exams are audited by AQA and EdExcel exam markers, and ISI independent school inspectors. Tests are taken online, include unlimited resits and emailed results including answer sheets to share with tutors and parents.
Each individual exam contains a full ISEB Common Pre Test experience, covering Maths, English, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Buy the Bundle or Complete Collection to get the best value for money.
Click below to create your Ready Steady Pass account and start your revision journey.

£39.99 for 1 complete exam

£79.99 for 3 complete exams

£114.99 for all 5 complete exams
What questions can I expect?
The ISEB Common Pre Test is a combination of 4 individual exams, all of which are set in a multiple choice, online environment. The exams vary every year, but you can expect to find all or most of the below in this year's test.
Place value
Statistics and data
Fractions, decimals, and percentages
Triangles and angles
Area and perimeter
Units and measurement
Reading and comprehension
Vocabulary and spelling
Literary devices
Verbal Reasoning
Code breaking
Word meanings
Missing letters
Pairing synonyms
Pairing antonyms
Word combinations
Non-Verbal Reasoning
Visual codes
Missing shapes and shape sequences
Matching shapes