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Sutton SET 2022 data, what can we learn?

As the exam day for the Sutton SET approaches, we thought it would be helpful to deep dive on some of the data concerning specific schools. In this article, let’s look at what we can learn about applicants to Nonsuch and Wallington Girls in 2022.

Last year, 3178 girls applied for a place in the Sutton Eligibility Test (aka the multiple-choice Sutton SET, the first of two exams). Of those who applied, a little under 83% (2628) actually attended the exam.

With 420 places available every year, this means that roughly 1 in 6 (or 17%) of all the girls who attend the exam secured a place in one of the two schools.

In 2022, of the 2628 girls who sat the Sutton SET 1st stage, 1048 (just under 40%) passed and received an invitation to attend the NWSSEE (or second stage) entrance exams.

As a reminder, both exams are split between two papers: Maths and English. The first stage (Sutton SET) is all multiple choice and the second stage (NWSSEE) is all open answer. The papers are equally weighted, and the final score of both papers is a combination of all four results. There is no official guide as to a minimum level on each paper, although at PTP we recommend building your mock efforts to achieving 85%+ on each of the Sutton SET mocks.

Right, back to the data…

In 2022 1048 girls attended and sat the NWSSEE second stage entrance exam for Nonsuch and Wallington Girls. With 420 places available, this tells us that just under 1 in 2.5 (or 40%) of girls who sat the second stage, were offered and accepted a place in one of the two schools.

85 places in each school are reserved for the highest scorers, irrespective of catchment area. However, it is important to remember that this does not necessarily mean those 85 will be from outside the catchment area. To put it slightly differently, the top 85 results will receive an offer irrespective of where they live, and the remaining 125 places will be exclusively for those in catchment (with a few exceptions). For example, in Nonsuch in 2022 only 37 of the girls who accepted a place lived outside of the catchment area.

There are a lot of numbers flying around, so let’s lay them out and see what we can learn for 2023, based on 2022’s data:

We can expect about 2600 girls to sit the Sutton SET test with roughly 17% accepting an offer to attend after both stages are complete

About 1,000 girls will sit the 2nd stage exam, with roughly 40% of those candidates passing and receiving an offer to one of the two schools

Fewer than 10% of the offers are likely to go to children outside of the catchment area

The lowest pass mark for 2022 was a standardised score of 206

Overall, roughly 17% of those who sit the Sutton SET, will achieve a place at one of the schools

We hope this helps, and remember to hop over to our dedicated Sutton SET page for mock tests for both stages.


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