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Lady Eleanor Holles

In their own words

A place of curiosity and adventure

Welcome to Lady Eleanor Holles (LEH) and thank you for taking the time to find out more about our remarkable school.

LEH is a place of curiosity and adventure, where enthusiastic and bright young minds are encouraged to be bold and brave in their thoughts, actions, and dreams for the future. Pupils are given the encouragement, inspiration, and opportunity to experience new things, to take risks, and to innovate as they grow and discover more about themselves. They do this in the warmth and safety of a caring school community with mutual respect and positive relationships at its heart. We are proud to be a values-driven school, where difference is celebrated, and everyone feels like they belong.

Our curriculum is as broad as it is dynamic and is delivered alongside a varied programme of extra-curricular and enrichment activities. Our pupils have the chance to explore different interests and passions, to be courageous in their intellectual endeavours, and to bring their ideas to life while playing an active role in shaping their school. They go forward with the skills and confidence to enrich the world around them in the years that follow.

Our students achieve excellent results academically, but this is not what defines them or LEH. The best way to understand the culture and character of LEH is to see us in action. Come along to one of our open events, meet our wonderful pupils, teachers and staff and see, first hand, what makes LEH a special place to be. I’ve no doubt you’ll experience what I felt the first time I walked through our doors: that LEH is a happy, confident yet relaxed school, full of energy, determination, and hope for the future.We look forward to meeting you soon.

Mrs Cole

Head Mistress

The admissions process uses the online ISEB Common Pre Test (sometimes referred to as the Common Entrance Exam). This exam has a specific format and structure, includes a range of predictable questions types and is taken in an online/computer environment. Students should pay particular attention to the Non-Verbal and Verbal-Reasoning modules, as these sections may include question types they have never encountered before.

We have partnered with the test experts at Ready Steady Pass, to bring you the most accurate and best value ISEB practise material. These exams are audited by AQA and EdExcel exam markers, and ISI independent school inspectors. Tests are taken online, include unlimited resits and emailed results including answer sheets to share with tutors and parents.

Each individual exam contains a full ISEB Common Pre Test experience, covering Maths, English, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Buy the Bundle or Complete Collection to get the best value for money.

Click below to create your Ready Steady Pass account and start your revision journey.

£24.99 for 1 complete exam

£59.99 for 3 complete exams

£99.99 for all 5 complete exams

What questions can I expect?

The ISEB Common Pre Test is a combination of 4 individual exams, all of which are set in a multiple choice, online environment. The exams vary every year, but you can expect to find all or most of the below in this year's test.


  • Calculations

  • Money

  • Place value

  • Statistics and data

  • Fractions, decimals, and percentages

  • Triangles and angles

  • Area and perimeter

  • Units and measurement


  • Reading and comprehension

  • Vocabulary and spelling

  • Literary devices

Verbal Reasoning

  • Code breaking

  • Word meanings

  • Missing letters

  • Pairing synonyms

  • Pairing antonyms

  • Word combinations

Non-Verbal Reasoning

  • Visual codes

  • Missing shapes and shape sequences

  • Matching shapes

  • Net-to-cube

  • Cube-to-net

£24.99 for 1 complete exam

£59.99 for 3 complete exams

£99.99 for all 5 complete exams

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