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Mock papers for UK Grammar and Independent Schools.
Choosing the right secondary school for your children is an important and challenging decision. Entrance for Grammar and Independent schools at has become more competitive in recent years, with over 85% of UK Grammar schools closing in the past few decades and increasing competition in Independent entrance exams.
Whether preparing at home or with a tutor, children should practise not only the specific subject areas that will be covered but also the paper structure, timing expectations and blend of questions.
Behind Pass the Paper is a team of career academics including teachers, UK examiners and school inspectors dedicated to making sure that the content, accuracy and structure of all our papers is of the highest possible standard. We believe that the experience of completing timed, mock papers is an essential advantage for all children aiming to succeed at their entrance exams, and we are very proud to bring you a range of practice papers to help you assess and improve your exam performance.